Canvassing, street stalls, Christmas quiz and 'affirmative nomination' meetings
I have no idea what to say about President-elect Trump. So I won't...
1. If you've been a member for over six months you should have received a letter notifying you of an 'affirmative nomination' meeting for re-selection of the Mayor of Newham. A list of meeting dates agreed so far is here (will be updated). Get in touch with your secretary if you've not received anything.
2. This Saturday, 12 Nov, we'll be out with our Lyn Brown MP door knocking in Plaistow South and at a street stall in Green St.
Door knocking: 11am, meet Barking Rd Community Centre, Barking Rd, E13 9EZ (on buses 5 and 115, and a few mins from Greengate 473, 262, 330 - contact Julianne)
Street stall: 11am to 12.30pm, St Stephens Parade, Green St, E7 8LQ, (near tube and 238 and 376 - contact Hanif)
Please do come and join one of these sessions - it could be kind of group therapy. Don't worry if you've not been out talking to voters before a fellow Labour member will be there to help you.
Christmas Quiz - it's a festive fixture in West Ham! Great food (brought and shared by members), great company (Labour members!) and a great quiz (with an infamous guess the crisp round).
Put it in your diary: Friday 9 Dec at Vicarage Lane Community Centre, Govier Close, E15 4HW
Phone canvassing
For those of you who don't like the cold we'll also be doing some telephone canvassing - let us know if you're interested.
Hope to see you Saturday.
Julianne Marriott
Vice Chair (Campaigns and Comms) West Ham CLP
t: @westhamlabour
e: westhamlabour@gmail.com
w: westhamlabour.org
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