Saturday, February 20, 2016

General Secretary ERS Election Report 2015

Some positive news yesterday on the UNISON website about the return by the independent Election Reform Society on the recent General Secretary Election :- 

In response this statement by UNISON lay president Wendy Nichols

“UNISON has now received the final report from the Electoral Reform Society dealing with complaints made during the general secretary election 2015.

“The report confirms the result, which was announced in the scrutineer’s report on 17 December 2015.

“Any issues raised in the report will now be reviewed and dealt with through the union’s normal procedures.

“On a personal level, I would like to add that UNISON members face some very serious challenges in the next year and I would ask that we all work together now to strengthen our union and speak up for our members. They deserve nothing less than a strong, united union.”

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