Soon if you start a new job you will have to wait for two years to be protected from unfair dismissal no matter how rotten you have been treated. Health and safety protections at work are also under threat as well as many of the so called gold plated European employment protections.
The Tories are also talking about introducing the legal right to sack any worker without even giving a reason.
Since only 18% of ET claims were successful at a full hearing in 2005/2006 and the median award for unfair dismissal was only £4,228 what this means is that most people will not take out a claim since it will not be worth it no matter how awful they have been treated at work. This is a charter for bullying management. The only hope workers have are the trade unions. We need to make sure that we are up to this challenge.
I blame this Tory led Coalition for everything that is happening but I also remember those in May last year who claimed that there is no difference between Labour and the Tories.
Bullying employer?.
How much does it cost for one of your residents to take Newham Council to court?
john, tell him that newham residents can go to an independent Council ombudsman who can award financial compensation for free.
Many on benfits will pay nothing for making a claim while for others will pay from £30 to £120.
Not £1750
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