Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Warning: I've been Mike Law-ed

Just to let people know who don't at first recognise me or are giving me odd looks -that I haven't joined either the USMC or the Vinnie Jones fan club but due to an unfortunate misunderstanding at a Merton Hairdresser on Monday (its a long story but fundamentally my fault) I have been left looking like Newham Big Bad Mikey (right of picture) or even Brother Pearce (even more right).

Some of my so-called Labour comrades at Council meetings last night (gleefully) suggested that this new look may help me go faster in my marathon training!!!! At a trade union meeting this morning it was even put forward that I should have N30 and the UNISON logo shaven into what is left! 


Anonymous said...

Your hair may grow back but your credibility is lost forever.

John Gray said...

Hi anon

assuming I had any in the first place!


Anonymous said...

is that a real photo of Mike Law?

I like his blog. At least you get to know what is going on in the Council....

John Gray said...

Hi anon

I believe so but I have never in fact met Big Bad Mikey.

You may indeed like his blog but please do not think for a moment that his completely paranoid rants and ravings are at all an accurate reflection on "what is going on in the Council".

IMO of course! :)

Anonymous said...


How am I supposed so to know what is going in the Council?

The Newham Recorder? No.
Newham Fanzine? No.
John Gray blog?. No.

So only Mike Law's blog, which I admit I like. I hate the titles he comes up with.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

In that case you must believe that the US did not put a man on the moon, A flying saucer crashed at Roswell in 1947, 9/11 was a Zionist plot and Princess Di was murdered.

There again this must a nice time of the year for you - believing in Father Christmas!
