Sunday, April 11, 2010

Vote John Gray for London rep on UNISON “Community” Executive (please)

I’m standing in the UNISON Service Group Executive (SGE) elections for the London general seat on the brand new national committee for the “Community and Voluntary” sector. Attached is a flyer that I have been sending out with the following message (double click to bring up detail)

“Dear UNISON Community Member - I am standing for election to be your London rep on the new national group for UNISON members who work in the Community & Voluntary sector. You should be getting ballot papers sent to your home address in the next few days.

Firstly a little bit about me: I am a lifelong trade unionist and member of the UNISON Housing Associations Branch where I am the Assistant Branch Secretary, Health & Safety and Labour Link Officer. I am also the UNISON Regional Finance convenor.

My first paid job was as a Welfare Rights Advisor for a voluntary organisation. I am now employed as an Estate Officer by Circle Anglia Housing Association after being TUPE’d from the London Borough of Tower Hamlets 3 years ago. A third of the people I represent work in social care schemes and projects.

What I want to do: Members working in housing associations and the voluntary sector know all too well about job insecurity and instability. Most members have had to deal with numerous reorganisations or being TUPE’d due to cuts in funding or mergers. We need to build stewards’ networks so that they can support each other and share knowledge, ideas and experiences. I would like to see specialist training introduced for stewards in our sector dealing with Community specific issues such as transfers and threats to our basic terms and conditions.

Stewards and members can feel isolated at work and we need to ensure that they know that UNISON can support them and how they can access this support. I would like to see more email networks and electronic forums set up as a way of linking our members and stewards together.

We must raise the profile of health & safety at work. Not only to protect us from the risk of violence but also occupational stress due to bullying or unmanageable workloads.

I am committed to listening to your views, making your voice heard and ensuring you and the branches with community and voluntary sector members get the support and the resources we deserve.

If you want to contact me you can ring 07977 285 297 or johndotmdotgrayatntlworlddotcom or via Facebook or even John’s Labour blog at

Many thanks - John Gray”

This election hasn’t come at an entirely opportune moment for me since I am a little bit busy doing other things however such is life. If you know anyone eligible to vote then could you download the pdf and send it to them.

Also standing on behalf of the forces of light and reason in UNISON Health SGE seats in London are Mike Davey and Monica Hirst while in Local Government SGE its Margaret Back and Peter Daley.


Anonymous said...

Did your Branch nominate you?

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

nope - but a number of other branches did:)

Anonymous said...

So your own branch didn't nominate you and you want our support? Should you not stop running for elections and actually start to *do* something?

Not that blogging, completing election nomination forms and self-praise aren't critical to the future of the working class...

Anonymous said...

lots of ordinary members in all sort of branches want john to represent them. He is a real working class, hard grafter, speak his own mind proper trade unionist.

John Gray said...

Hi anon 20.42
I think it is fair enough that a branch executive meeting would support its well established branch secretary for any nomination against a relative newcomer. I don’t mind that.

What about yourself anon? What do you do in life? Anything at all useful?

BTW – look out for a very special announcement about what I am doing next. You will love it

Thanks for your comments anon 00.24

Anonymous said...

The demand for someone to be backed by their own branch before being eligible to stand for such a role is absurd. For example, in those branches where you've got Trot-dominated committees, anyone who didn't share their politics - nevermind how good they were as an activist for the members and their potential to be active at the regional or national level - simply would not get their nomination.

Dave said...

Hi 1st anon,

put aside your political prejuduce for one moment. Look at the spread of issues John covers on his blog and you come to the conclusion that he is someone well involved with the day to day issues of his members.
Makes a change from ultras who never take responsibility for anything....'talk the talk but can't walk the walk.' Maybe you fall into this category yourself 'anon'

Dave Draycott