Tuesday, January 19, 2010

UNISON London Regional Council AGM 2010 - Support YOUR union - VOTE for the winning team

It is coming up to that time of the year again. The future leadership of UNISON London will be decided on 3rd Feb at the Regional Council AGM.

Gloria and her team (including me) are being challenged again by the Ultra left extremists and their supporters. It is really important that branches turn up on the day to support us.

I think that everyone knows that this year will be a tough one for us and for all our members. General and local elections, Public sector cuts, redundancies, privatisation – possible attacks on the union itself. Now more than ever we need to stand together and be united.

Gloria and her team (IMO) have been very successful in building a strong, effective union – now is not the time to risk the union falling into the hands of the Ultra left and their inexperienced hands.

So don’t take the risk, turn up and vote –

The Holiday Inn, Coram Street, WC1N 1HT, 10am 3rd February 2010.

If you haven’t registered already – contact the Regional Office on 020 7535 6612

Support YOUR union - VOTE for the winning team

Gloria Hanson – Regional Convenor

Conroy Lawrence – Deputy Regional Convenor

John Gray – Regional Finance Convenor

Lynn Bentley – Regional Publicity Officer

Monica Hirst – Regional Equalities Convenor

Emma Rolland – Regional Young Members Convenor

If anyone wants to have a chat about the elections with me they can email me their telephone number via this blog. Just click on “view my complete profile” then “contact”. I look forward to hearing from you.


Anonymous said...

What have you achieved in the last year?

The left are hardly "inexperienced" either, given they are nearly all middle-aged!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, have voted for you before and I think it's time we gave the left a go!

Good luck in the locals though- btw, will being a councillor mean you will have to cut back on UNISON stuff?

Anonymous said...

good luck john to you and gloria. well done for all your hard work. unison is no longer a laughing stock in london with our employers.

Anonymous said...

none of them have ever been a regional council officer before.

John Gray said...

Hi Anons

I’ll post our statement in the next couple of days. Personally I think the key achievement is that we have a united RCO team in place that is working constructively for the sole benefit of members and supporting branches/SOG’s.

We have had welcome good news on such things as recruitment, training and branch development etc. The finances are also in good shape (says I!).

Importantly we don’t neither consider ourselves to be continually “at war” with the full time officers of the union. We’ve all had more than enough of silly student union politics.

I think that the union in London is now far more credible than it has been in the past. We will deliver what we promise to members.

Having this team and effective partnership in place will be absolutely vital in the forthcoming year. Regardless of the election results. There are tough times ahead. I think that most folk will agree with this.

There are still heaps of things still to do with regards to density, equalities, training and organising of stewards and other reps etc.

Always Onwards and Forewords!

Anonymous said...

perhaps the dream team might want -as part of their manifesto -to use their previous year's election speeches and highlight exactly how they have achieved what they said they would do? That at least would give members an informed view on who to vote for and what has actually been achieved .
I have to say as someone who has set up a womens SOG and disabled members SOG in my branch I have had absolutely no assistance from any Regional official or elected officer in this -so would love to know exactly what actual support has been forthcoming from the elected team over the last year?

Anonymous said...

kat is sore because she keeps losing elections as region communications officer and in disabled committee and now trots won't even nominate her to anything.

Anonymous said...

Sorry John, but that really takes the piss. I'm in Brent and have not had an email reply from one elected regional officer, despite being on Officer in two SOGs

You can't possibly do all the jobs you list properly and owe it the membership to stand down from at least half of them!

John Gray said...

Hi Anon/Kat

I think this is a comment rather than a question?

H Brent Anon

You do get about! Contact Gloria if this is a really genuine issue. She will respond

But why? You should know what it’s like in the Labour movement. You go to a meeting and come out as its secretary!

Anonymous said...

Hi John -It is more of a comment but there is a question that really the DT needs to answer in any election manifesto -unless its asleep and still dreaming???
Not quite sure about the anon who indicates I keep losing elections as a publicity officer -that was two years ago. And i personally am not putting myself forward for anything this year at RC as i have care commitments for a very ill person -but i don't suppose that that matters to those who like to have an uninformed jibe against anyone that they have no knowledge of. Much better to make it up -bit like the SUN or the Daily Hate really. The last time a comment like that was made about me was on scandal fax - around the time of a very close friend dying. But i guess that sums up SF and their ilk. Cheers, kat

John Gray said...

Hi Kat

Sorry to hear your relative still poorly.