Sunday, January 10, 2010

Housing Matters 10 January 2010

It’s been quite a little while since my last Housing matters post. Life flies by and all that. Anyway:-

Housing Minister John Healey has agreed to address a meeting of UNISON Housing Association Branch Labour Link members at the House of Commons next month. I’ll post details as soon as things are finalised.

Very worrying “Inside Housing” report here that nearly a quarter of supported housing providers are considering (or have decided) to pull out of existing contracts when they end. The reason given is the failure of Council’s to increase the price of contracts in line with costs. This could result in even further cost reductions and either the dropping of standards or a reduction in already poorly paid staff terms and conditions (or both!). Even more bad news for staff here, here and here

Roof reports on plan for a national register of social housing tower blocks. Which will include details of the fire risk assessment date of next assessment. Good news but what about the privately owned blocks?

24Dash reports that London tenants are the unhappiest in England and Wales! I blame of course Boris.

While CLG report here on the biggest Council house building programme in 20 years! (so there is a 4th option!)

The FED report that 10,000 affordable homes could be built if Churches sold land and buildings to Housing Associations! Apparently the Church of England owns on average 8 acres per village and every village place of worship could deliver on average one affordable dwelling.

No doubt Cromwell would approve!


Anonymous said...

24Dash reports that London tenants are the unhappiest in England and Wales! I blame of course Boris.

Why do you blame Boris about satisfaction rates when the Labour Party encouraged stock transfer and ALMOs? Stock retention was never an option for Prezza.

Newham went for ALMO as did your employer. Slippery slope John

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

Not my employer!