Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Cameron tells porkies about ‘elf n safety

I was listening today to the completely moronic Daily Hate editorial rubbish that Tory leader David Cameron was putting out today. This was about how we try to protect workers, consumers and young children in this country from unnecessary death and disability.

See the TUC response and Luke exposing further Tory hypocrisy. Finally check out the Daily Mirror video of Cameron breaking basic road safety rules. Obviously he thinks that our pragmatic, common sense laws and regulations should not apply to Old Etonions - only all of us who are not millionaires.


Red Rag said...

He is really running out of ideas and scraping the bottom of the political barrel to go for health and safety.He's turning into a political Jim Davison, what next having a go at immigrants and single mothers....wait there...

Mike Law said...

It was a bit of a nonsense announcement (which is typical of most political leaders in the run-up to an election), but how on earth can what he said be translated as: "Obviously he thinks that our pragmatic, common sense laws and regulations should not apply to Old Etonions - only all of us who are not millionaires."???

Didn't you have a go at someone else under another topic for daring to offer up an interpretation of Gordon Brown's thinking, accusing them of believing they had ESP?

Now it transpires that you know what Cameron is thinking.

Anonymous said...

so when those poor students used to be killed because of carbon monoxide poisoning because of poorly maintained heating in private rented accommodation on their first week at Uni.

the tories call this red tape and want to scrap it ??

That’s reassuring

John Gray said...

Hi Red Rag

come on - there is a massive difference and you know it.

Hi Mike

No its QED. We know that Cameron is putting himself up as a Liberal (and true I don't know if this is sincere) but he is a free market hardliner. What about the tory proposal to allow firms who carry out "independent" safety assessments to then refuse to allow the HSE to inspect them?

Mike Law said...

Like I said, it's a nonsense announcement. However, let's say that he does make it a policy promise in his election manifesto and he does as you say and allow firms to prevent HSE checks, I think that would be something that would put a great deal of working people off voting for the Conservatives, rightly so - although I would say that at least he'd be being honest.

QED not ESP: how does the perception that Cameron is "putting himself up as a Liberal" demonstrate that he thinks Laws and regulations should not apply to Old Etonians? Please explain this.

I notice that you've stopped comments on the Walter Tull post. Apologies for getting the post wrong. The reason I put the Our Union Reclaimed blog title up by mistake was that I took the time to read through the comments and it was on my mind at the time of writing (I don't as a rule read your Union stuff as I don't have clue as to what is going on in Unison). I had a good laugh at the fact that some of the comments blast you for vitriol and odd style of argument - so it's not just me then!

Are they Tory boy dipsticks too?

Anonymous said...

I think its good that Cameron junks all the over the top Health and safety crap.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

For a change you are indeed 50% right (rather than your 100% wrong positiion of course).

Yes, many of them will end up like you in the Tories.


No one wants unnecessary regulations but we don't want people to die - that is the no 1 priority with safety is not getting rid of protections. Its all about common sense safety.

Mike Law said...

I'll remind you of your assertion that you're 100% right if you get on to the Council and if Wales is still Mayor.

John Gray said...

"To Err Is Human, To Forgive Divine"