There are about 50 of us participating in the course. Lay activists from all over the union as well as UNISON employed staff (regional and Head office). This is the first such course ever run by UNISON (and I have not heard of any other union in the UK running anything similar). It is being delivered by (enthusiastic) UNISON national learning and organising team with the help of NEC members. I think this is a hugely positive and forward thinking initiative by UNISON..
So far there has been a mixture of presentations followed by discussions in small working groups. Our first speaker yesterday was Helen Black the Regional Secretary for East Midlands. She explained the economic and political context; national trade union trends and what lies in the future. One quotation she referred to was “The quality of leadership, more than any other single factor determines the success or failure of an organisation” Fiedler and Charmers.
Since then we have been grappling with different explanations and methods of leadership. Transformational, transactional, intuitive or shared/collective. The course is also being accredited by Ruskin College (to level 3 and 4).
Stoke Rochford itself is an old manor house owned by the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and used as a education and training centre. It is set in a stunningly beautiful countryside location.
On Thursday Ed Miliband MP is also coming to speak to us. If I get the time I’ll try and post further updates.
I'd heard rumours of such a course, is it being rolled out in a structured way or haphazardly? As a new, wet behind the ears branch secretary this sounds like something that would be quite helpful...
Bly me. I heard of elitism but didn't think it hapened within TU's? Didn't know of this course. How did you get selected? Could understand it if it was basic training but leadership? Come on!
Looks like a real working much o four members money is being spent on this latest lash-up for the Prentis-ite clique then?
Oh get real you hairshirt-obsessed dullards. It's about finding a concentrated space for a school for UNISON leaders or leaders-to-be. It's difficult enough as an activist to find the time to think and network and make plans and - heavens forfend!!!! - relax in the company of fellow of trade unionists without the unstoppable intrusion of day-to-day business. Not everyone gets full-time release for themselves. If you want to be part of some wild-eyed clique which cannot abide by the idea that we look ahead and try to develop our talent then frankly you can - warning!!! industrial language ahead - just fuck off back to the dark ages you bunch of weirdos.
Hi Plymdaz
The course is very much a pilot. But the role of branch secretary (and branch committee) is absolutely key and I would hope this course is rolled out nationally.
Hi Anons
I think that Jon has pretty much put an alternative (transformational?) view back to you. I couldn’t possibly comment.
Actually this course and approach all just makes sense. UNISON has 1.4 million members, employs 1200 staff and has a turnover of over £165 million per year. We have branches with over 12,000 members. . The trade union movement is facing massive, massive changes. Quite simply we have to adapt or die.
BTW I’m sure that the NUT rate is far less than hotels in London cost for training or meetings
This is all fine Jon (under 4 anon comment but obviously should read John G ) but why are you on a leadership course? That was the argument advanced by second comment? Other words what leadership qualities do you have?? Or could have? Sorry if the truth hurts.
First off I am not 'John G' - and I'm sure it pains you to find out not everyone shares your narrow, whiny and mean-spirited world view.
Secondly I am not on the leadership course but I heard about it through my region. I would liked to have gone and would have put my name forward but couldn't get a shift change.
I'm sure John can answer for himself on the leadership issue, but your attitude stinks. It's what means you will never lead anything other than a retreat.
And I refer you again to my previous comment.
I suppose why not me? I am an elected rep in the branch and the region in various roles. However, being elected to a position does not automatically make or equip you to be a leader.
Frankly, I feel all unison activists are leaders (whether they like the thought or not) and that we all could benefit from leadership training. If this course works out (and I think it is a fantastic initiative) then we should roll it out in different forms nationally.
Putting aside the issue whether or not Mo! should be on the course (strange as it may seem there may well be out there folk who think I desperately need leadership training!) - anyone who has the true interests of the union (IMO) will see this is a great idea and should support it up to the hilt.
Sounds to me like a bunch of the usual 'leaders' pets are being rewarded for all their arse kissing toadyism with a subscription busting jolly up. I think that one basic but important part of being a good leader is the ability to inspire confidence in the people you are leading.
Considering the politically diverse make up of Unison and the current governments sell out of the workers I imagine a room full of labour party tossers all patting each other on the back and telling each other how wonderfully dynamic they all are may well fall a long way short of this basic prerequisite
Looks like Hogwarts to me. Have you met Harry yet? Will you be able to make yourself invisible... Or fly?
How will you use these new super powers? For good or for evil?
: ) See you soon
Hi anon
By means have a go at me but you are very, very mistaken about my fellow course participants. I agree with you (there is a first time for everything) about the importance of a good leader’s ability to inspire confidence.
Why then do the membership of UNISON not follow you lot then? Think about it. No cry baby excuses please.
Hi Fran
For the greater good! (I hope)
Not seen Harry but Lord Voldemort has been making anon comments.
(Great news about A.O)
I think you may have got me mixed up with another anonymous respondant.
Please don't lump me in with 'you lot', you don't actually know who I am what my beliefs are or whether indeed I might actually agree with you, however on the subject of leader camp I reckon there's a good few of the usaual suspects in attendance!
"Usual suspects"? Don't be so coy - name them!
Why ask to name names, when you are hiding behind anonymity?
My name is Dave Henson. I'd like to know the names of the 'usual suspects'. Thanks.
no you are not that is my name
No, you are David Henson, and I am Dave Henson.
But, David, similar names are not unusual, you know - in the real world, like? John Gray (blogger and philosopher) and John Gray (philosopher and author) for example. See?
Just name the names of these 'usaual suspects' will you (not you David, the anonymous at 12 November 19:53)?
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