People need to face up to fact that the Tories will destroy, repeat, destroy the NHS if they are elected next year. The privatisation of the NHS is unfinished business to them. See the massive support that Hannan gets from grass roots Tories.
Things are not as you would always hope with Labour but at least they are not ideologically opposed to the principal of a NHS free at the point of use funded by progressive taxation. Which, lets face it, most Tories are.
We have to rally around the Labour Party to save the NHS - the choice is really quite stark.
Says a man in a party that has done more to outsource and privatise the functions of the NHS than the Tories ever did
Hi Anon
What stuff and nonsense comrade.
Frank Dobson and his cohorts have done very little to dismantle the internal market reforms introduced by Bottomley. In fact Labour have increased the market approach.
Say no more about Foundation hospitals.
That redwater looks quite opaque
Hi Anon
Frank Dobson...hmmm – long time since then. I do take your point but let us imagine if the Tories had been power since 1997. There would I think no manual, admin or nurses directly employed by the NHS. “Agenda for change” would not have happened at all. The key issue with the Tories is whether or not there should be a NHS or not.
There is in my view absolute clear red water about this quote that “no society can legitimately call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means”. Nye Bevan.
I am sure that this is Andy Burham’s mantra even though we might not always agree with all of the implementations of such a policy.
People need to face up to fact that the Tories will destroy, repeat, destroy the NHS if they are elected next year
I wonder what Dr Wollaston of Totnes would think of your somewhat profound greater knowledge John
Hi Anon
You would think so - still, doctors are a funny lot and since Labour have made them all much richer probably more of them are Tories.
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