Jim is supposed to be facing the utterly loathsome, George Galloway, as his “Respect” opponent in the next General election. The SWP/bigots coalition has largely collapsed recently, so the only beneficiaries of a respect campaign in this area will be the Tories. Galloway, of course would still have his radio and other well paid media interests when he loses.
We ended up in Berkeley House, which is a 21 floor tower block in the British Estate. This block is managed by East End homes and is being refurbished. We picked up quite a lot of case work, especially over the renewal of the block lifts and parking issues.
I found solid support for the Labour party in this ward, also no interest whatsoever in any change in Labour Party leadership.

While to the left the picture is a new sign of the times; the graffiti in the communal stairs includes people’s email addresses!
I can't believe that there is no apparent Concierge service for this block? We just walked in. It is not the answer to all problems, but you do need effective 24/7 security for such blocks.
I appreciate that the block is being refurbished but the graffiti in the stairs was particularly bad.
Go Rachael!
So Mc Cain calls Wall street a Casino
massive crisis in Capitalism
are we exposing this
to busy establishing a new party
why are we on the Left not making more of an issue on this
I see the Liberals want every doctor or dentist to reapply for their obs every year
Mr Cable
Norman Lamb
Liberal health spokesperson
NHS services will be privatised
not on basis of quality but cost
where are the liberals going
If Jim Fitzpatrick starts espousing socialist views and acting on them by supporting workers when they take the difficult decision to strike, I've no doubt Galloway would drop out of the race. But then, Jim Fitzpatrick will probably jump ship to the Tories and keep his seat anyway...
Here's comrade Jim's voting record from PublicwWip:
Voted moderately against a transparent Parliament
Voted strongly for introducing ID cards.
Voted very strongly for introducing foundation hospitals.
Voted strongly for introducing student top-up fees.
Voted very strongly for Labour's anti-terrorism laws.
Voted very strongly for the Iraq
Voted very strongly against an investigation into the Iraq war.
Voted very strongly for replacing Trident
Hi Charlie
Jim is a government minister. So it is not entirely unsurprising that he votes “very strongly” with the government? In fact...
I am not comparing myself but as a trade unionist over the years and being subject to collective responsibility I have had to agree to support loads of stuff I disagree with.
Did you ask all them people in the Tower block you visited about the fight they are having with the housing association East End Homes.
The same East End Homes where Denise Jones Nu Labour councillor and board member of East End Homes told all them tenants there life would be so much better for them after the transfer.
Also did any of them tenants inform you that they approached DIM Jim for help only to pretend that people will be better off in the long run,
I suggest you and your pretend to be Labour buddies should be ashamed to show your face in Mile End East.
And you should consider yourself very lucky to have got out of the block without being lynched,
And by the way did you use the lifts because they don't normally
I would also like to question your fetish with George Galloway and the Respect party I find this quiet incredulus !
Surely your attack as a left wing working class party you should be on the attack to the Tory's and the Right wing politics creeping into the town hall?
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