Cllr Ahmed Hussain was one of the very few Bengali card carrying “members” of the SWP. Mugs or what?
Poor old Oli (Rahman) – Hat Tip to Ted from East London Advertiser
Why is it that absolutely anything that Galloway touches eventually falls to pieces?
“A RESPECT councillor, former ally of George Galloway and member of the Socialist Workers Party has dramatically defected to the Tories in what is being seen a major milestone in Tower Hamlets politics.
Ahmed Hussain, who represents Mile End East at the Town Hall, met the Tories' shadow London minister, Bob Neill, and Tower Hamlets group leader Peter Golds to seal the move this morning (Wednesday).
He becomes the local party's first ever Bengali councillor and in doing so he has made the Tories, who less than two years ago boasted just one councillor in Tower Hamlets, the authority's official opposition with eight members.Mr Neill welcomed the defection as "momentous" and predicted that Tower Hamlets could soon become 'a Tory borough.'"It's a real step forward for the party and the area," he added.
Cllr Hussain, who was also being courted by Labour recently, said he had been interested by Tory Leader David Cameron's approach.He added: "I really believe Tower Hamlets Conservatives will continue to make a difference in this borough."
But political rivals will be dismayed and think Cllr Hussain's reputation will now lie in tatters.The former Labour supporter was one of MP George Galloway's '12 Bengali tigers' elected as a Respect councillor in 2006, and has voted against Conservative motions at the Town Hall since.He was one of four councillors to split from Galloway's Respect faction in October and remained a prominent member of the MP's bitter enemies, the SWP."
Who says politics is boring?
So not satisfied with getting PFI money to fund their trade union conferences the SWP are now advocating their councillors join the Tories !!!!
From madness (SWP) to lunacy (Tories)
When John McLoughlin SWP called for a fighting alternative to Labour at regional council....I didnt realise they meant the Tories
And now apparently he's jumped ship back again!!!
"Tower Hamlets Councillor stays with Respect
Tower Hamlets Councillor Ahmed Hussain quashed rumours that he had
joined the Tory party today and insisted that he was sticking with
Following stories in the local paper, The East London Advertiser, the leader of the Respect group of councillors Oliur Rahman said: "I spoke with Councillor Ahmed Hussain today and he made it absolutely clear that he is staying with Respect and stands by its values."
Councillor Rahman added, "there are some people who want to jump on
any rumour that gets out to damage Respect. They would be better
advised to check the facts with me. Our Respect group remains united and ready to join the fight against the Tories and New Labour in the Greater London Authority elections."
No wonder they call them Swappers. And I wonder why they didn't let Cllr Hussain speak for himself? He sort of reminds of the character in the Fast Show who had no opinions of his own and so merely parroted whatever he heard last.
I think its a case of watching this space for yet another flip-flop.
But let's congratulate Rees-Pect for giving us so much comedy entertainment over the last year AND managing to expose the SWP for what it always has been!
Oh, How right I was!
From East London Advertiser.
FORMER Respect councillor Ahmed Hussain put pen to paper today
(Thurs) and signed his Tory party membership forms… only hours after
frenzied speculation he had changed his mind.
He met local Tory bosses at 12.30pm and sealed his defection after
an extraordinary 24 hours of confusion over his future.
After Tower Hamlets council confirmed the defection a short while ago, Cllr Hussain, a former strong ally of Respect MP George
Galloway, told the advertiser: "I've signed the forms and I'm just relieved it's now all settled so I can look forward to the future.
"It's been a very tough 24 hours. It's always difficult to leave
your friends, but when you have to make a decision, you've got to do
The Tower Hamlets political scene went into `meltdown' yesterday
after we revealed that Hussain, representing Mile End East ward on
the authority and a former member of the Socialist Workers Party,
was defecting to the Conservatives.
After being greeted like a king at Tory HQ in Millbank yesterday
morning, Cllr Hussain had a sudden last minute attack of nerves
sparking a day of dramatic twists and turns.
He told the Advertiser at 2pm yesterday he was going ahead with the defection and applauded his new national party leader David
Cameron's approach in a quote.
But when rumours started circulating around the Town Hall that he was set to become the Tory's first Bengali councillor in Tower Hamlets, he was bombarded with calls and text messages from
colleagues urging him to change his mind.
Some warned he was committing political suicide.
About an hour before he was due to inform council chief executive
Martin Smith of his move, he told Tory group leader Peter Golds he
needed `more time.'
He then spent the rest of the afternoon and evening consulting with councillors from all parties for advice.
At midnight, leading political figures believed that he had U-turned and decided to remain with the rebel Respect Unity Coalition group, and leave Cllr Golds as the humiliated `bride at the altar.'
Respect Unity group leader Oli Rahman and SWP boss John Rees then
issued a press statement in the early hours of this morning
attacking the Advertiser's story as "a rumour". They insisted Cllr
Hussain remained firmly on their side.
But after spending the night thinking, Cllr Hussain called the paper at 9.30am to confirm he was defecting.
Three hours later, he met Cllr Golds and former Tory group leader
Simon Rouse to sign his party membership forms, then emailed the
council's chief executive shortly after.
It means the Tories, who less than two years ago had just one
councillor at Tower Hamlets, now have eight and have become the main Opposition group.
Cllr Golds said: "I'm absolutely delighted he has joined us. We've
been in discussions with each other for some time on this matter and have had meetings both locally and with Conservative Central Office.
"Ahmed will make a wonderful addition to the Conservative group and will continue to contribute to the political debate in both Tower
Hamlets and nationally."
You put your left foot in, you take your left foot out. In, out, in, out...
That will teach SWP guru Rees to right a press release at 2am saying Hussain was staying with Respect
by lunch time he had left the SWP and joined the Tories (The fighting alternative to Labour as the SWP now say)
Vote respect get a tory councillor (or your trade union backed by doddy PFI money)
The SWP (like Militant)is history watch the defections grow
Now maybe the SWP will realise that standing German for Mayor just helps the Tories (Bonkers Boris) win London
But maybe that is their cunning plan - another Tory victory
As the SWP now say "The Tories a fighting alternative to Labour"
Hi John, hope you're fine and dandy ave been a tad slow at posting htis week but have just linked to this here: http://rupahuq.wordpress.com/2008/02/17/further-nail-in-coffin-of-respect/
Hi Rupa
Jus back from hols - I’m fine, hope you and yours are all ok! Read your post, as usual it is very good!
Diss-respect - What a shower!
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