Saturday, March 22, 2025

Elected Chair of Greater London UNISON Housing Associations Branch


I was really pleased to be elected Chair of my branch on Thursday evening at our AGM (As well as Labour Link officer). I have held nearly all the different executive positions in my branch but not Chair. 

I also successfully moved a branch rule change to create the position of assistant branch chair. It is really important that we encourage and train up the next generation of union activists to take over from us. 

What was very nice was that the branch had emailed all members to do a survey on their experience of trade union representation by local stewards and officers. A member from my employer made a lovely comment about my support for them and their colleagues in a recent restructure at work.  

The branch is growing and has over 3000 members who work in around 150 different Housing Associations in Greater London (and beyond).

There are also many new opportunities to growing the union due to the Employment rights bill, and also in the future, from the potential for sectorial bargaining (new version of wage councils). Housing Associations would make a natural fit to follow the Social care pilot. 

I will be continuing to press for all housing association workers in London to be part of our branch and not a local government or health branch (and all charity/3rd sector workers to be in the Voluntary Organisations branch). While many of these branches do an excellent job representing members some do not and it is always much better to organise around common or similar employment conditions. 

Lots of other problems to overcome but exciting times. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Labour Housing Group AGM 2025

 This morning after my Council Advice surgery in my West Ham ward. I went to the Labour Housing Group AGM in central London (a Socialist Society affiliated to the Labour Party).  

There was a well received speech & Q&A by housing minister, Matthew Pennycook MP. Then various pitches for what motions the LHG should submit this year to the Labour Party conference. Mine was on the absolute need for more subsidy to deliver the 1.5 million homes we promised to deliver. This is the #elephantintheroom. 

While we can do a lot of good things by other changes in policy such as changes in planning etc. but without a massive increase in subsidy we cannot deliver anywhere near enough social or truly affordable homes. 

If you are a Labour Party supporter join the LHG here Membership – Labour Housing Group

On Monday 17 March there is a LHG Online conversation here on:-

The Grenfell Atrocity – Warnings ignored and vital lessons to learn: 17 March, 6.30pm – Labour Housing Group

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

"We are doing it - the Employment Rights Bill Clears the Commons!"


Dear John,

This is a huge moment. Tonight, the Employment Rights Bill passed the Commons - a major step toward stronger rights for working people.

This is the biggest upgrade to workers’ rights in a generation, and it’s happening because of trade unionists and activists like you. From day one, our movement has led the charge, putting working people at the heart of Labour’s plan to raise wages, strengthen rights, and make work pay.

In opposition, we worked in partnership with Labour to develop the New Deal for Working People. In Government, unions are pushing hard to ensure that the legislation delivers on that shared agenda.

Trade unions, representing millions of working people, helped secure key new protections:

  • Stopping union-busting – blocking bad bosses from undermining worker organising and winning recognition.
  • Closing loopholes – so agency workers will benefit from the new provisions on zero and guaranteed hours contracts.
  • Introducing new rules so social care workers in Scotland and Wales they can also benefit from Fair Pay Agreements, bringing unions and employers together to agree pay and conditions.
  • Strengthening the new union access rights, to make it easier for unions to recruit, organise and win a better deal.
  • Removing laws designed to tie unions in knots – so they can concentrate on doing their job and winning better pay and conditions.

These build on bold changes already in the Bill – stronger unfair dismissal protections, action plans to close the gender pay gap, a Fair Work Agency to enforce rights, repealing anti-union laws, and tackling workplace harassment. This isn’t just an upgrade in rights – it’s a shift in power back to where it belongs: with working people.

But let’s be clear - the Tories and Reform Party tried to derail the Bill at every turn. Tonight, Tory and Reform MPs voted to stop the Bill in its tracks.

The Tories even tabled what they admitted was a “wrecking amendment”, taking a sledgehammer to new protections from harassment, the day 1 right to not be unfairly dismissed, provisions on zero hours and guaranteed hours contracts and so much more.

When it mattered most, they didn’t just oppose the Bill – they fought to block it every step of the way. They voted to keep wages low and let bad bosses off the hook.

But the fight isn’t over. The naysayers and doom-mongers haven’t gone away. They’re the same tired voices who fought against the minimum wage, claiming it would crash the economy. They were wrong then, and they are wrong now. Stronger rights at work don’t threaten growth – they drive it, and they make sure it delivers money in workers’ pockets.

This Bill still needs to get through the House of Lords. After it’s been written into law, there’s work to do to get every detail right to make sure it works in practice and delivers the change working people have been promised. And let’s not forget, the Employment Rights Bill is only the start of delivering the New Deal for Working People.

We’ve come this far by standing together. We won’t let them hold us back.

Add your name. Show your support for delivering the New Deal in full:

In solidarity,

Helen Pearce, Director Labour Unions

Visit our Campaign Shop and follow us on Social Media: 

Monday, March 03, 2025

UNISON Community Conference 2025


Saturday 1st March was Day 2 of the UNISON Community Seminar - then Conference in Bristol. Saturday was also of course St David's Day which the Welsh contingent (including myself) celebrated (but I have been told off for not wearing a daffodil) 

It was a motion based conference and there 16 different motions debated during the day on a wide range of Community specific issues. 

Before (and afterwards) Conference, my UNISON NEC Colleague Denise Thomas and I handed out our leaflets outside the Conference hotel, asking for support in the forthcoming NEC elections (ballot papers out 21st April) and also for our fellow minded allies (mostly those from members together). 

I spoke twice in support of motions on behalf of the Community Service Group Executive on "Challenging racism and discrimination in Community" and then on "Sectoral Bargaining in the Housing Associations Sector". I will post my speeches another time. My branch and London SGE colleagues, Lola and Joseph also spoke as did Denise. 

So a good conference (and seminar). Many thanks to the Hotel staff for looking after us so well and for UNISON staff for supporting us and giving up their Saturday. Bristol was lovely and I will definitely return again. 

Sunday, March 02, 2025

UNISON Community Seminar 2025

Yesterday, the UNISON Community (Housing Associations and Voluntary Sector) annual seminar took place in Bristol. The day started at a 9am pre Conference meeting for myself and the Community Service Group Executive. 

10am the seminar started with Sector meetings. I attended the Housing Associations one and we had a speaker from LIVV Housing Association UNISON who are taking extensive strike action against their employer to reverse real term cuts in pay. LIVV have behaved appallingly and not only are they refusing to meet and try to conciliate but are actively attacking strikers and the union. 

While no-one expects an employer to simply agree to all union demands, what LIVV senior management and board are doing is deliberate union busting, by offering a pay rise ONLY to people who don't join or leave the union. Not being discriminated for joining a union is a fundamental human right (United Nations ILO declarations). If you don't respect the human rights of your workers then you are not fit to run in any way any organisation in my view, never mind one supposedly with a social purpose. 

No wonder "Housing Associations" (when there are actually many very good ones who would never act it this way) are hated by so many, across the entire political spectrum. Who on earth is advising them to do this?  How can human rights abusers be allowed to run services for vulnerable residents? 

There were "new delegate" and then equalities caucus meetings over lunch then the Seminar itself started afterwards. Our General Secretary, Christina MacAnea, gave a simply brilliant and inspiring speech followed by a wide ranging Q&A. The way she has been treated following her personal bereavement by some extremists has been truly shameful but I am so glad she is back and standing up for the union and our real members.  

Joseph Evans from the IPPR spoke about sectorial bargaining in other parts of the economy. This issue is so important to our sector and I spoke on this debate the next day at the actual conference. 

After the seminar there was a regional meeting of Greater London Community delegates then a social in a nearby pub. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Out for a run (aka slow jog)


Out for a run just before dusk tonight around Wanstead flats and enjoyed lovely skyline from near Alexandra Lake. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Save the date - inspect your toilets 🚽

While being a trade union safety rep is definitely not a glamorous role, most people realise it is not a joke if you have to work outside a properly equipped office and/or suffer from many disabilities and don't have ready access to a toilet or are not allowed sufficient time to go to the loo! (thinking Sports Direct warehouses). 

At my work UNISON colleagues and myself have signed up to this campaign. We have contacted our employer health & safety team and other activists to try and carry out inspections during this TUC campaign.

I would encourage other union safety reps to do the same. 

Do you have good enough toilets and toilet breaks?

All workers need toilet breaks – it's a basic right. But many are denied this due to insufficient breaks and facilities. 

To highlight the issue, we're inviting safety reps to carry out a workplace toilet inspection in the week of 17 –  23 March. We’ll be lifting the lid on what needs improving, and how unions are best placed to understand and advocate for safer workplaces.

Sign up below to take part, and we’ll send you all the info you need, including a checklist. If you carry out an inspection and tell us about it, you’ll receive a TUC Education credentials that recognises what you've done. Read more about TUC credentials.

We are expecting hundreds of you to collectively take part in this inspections week of action - get involved!


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Rainham Marshes Walk


Off message but last Sunday Gill and I finally went for a walk in nearby Rainham Marshes alongside the River Thames. This was a circular route about 7 miles long. We had walked East alongside the Thames in June 2017 in the very last leg of the London Loop walk- Harold Wood to Purfleet. 

However, that had been a warm and sunny day and now it was very different. It was cold, fresh and mostly overcast but the sun did make brief appearances and it brightened up near the end. The light was fantastic and the views across the marshes and the river was spectacular. We parked at the RSPB site near Purfleet where sadly, the café has recently closed (also walking distance from the station?) and walked west alongside the river towards A13. 

It was a "seriously weird" and unusual walk. Some unsightly decaying industrial sites and bright modern industrial estates. Despite some noise from the A13, it was quiet and peaceful with only small groups of bird watchers and occasional dog walkers. There is definitely, something very special, about walking alongside water. 

Main picture is of World War 2 era steel and concrete barges dumped in 1950s but no apparent evidence that they were used on the D Day landings in 1944 that some claim. 

Just before the A13 (walking distance from Rainham Station) we turned back and walked through the marshes alongside the watercourse back to RSPB site. This area was once a British army shooting range. The remains of old shooting butts and wartime anti aircraft ammunition bunkers are still there. 

We will come back again in a different season for sure. We will also investigate the RSBP reserve trail and hides, which we ran out of time to visit. 

Check route below and my other walks

Saturday, February 22, 2025

West Ham Ward Surgery then Door Knock


This morning I attended my Councillor surgery in the Vicarage Lane Community Centre (every Saturday apart from bank holiday weekends, one of us holds an advice surgery here 10-11am).

Afterwards, I met up with Councillor colleagues and local Labour activists to take part in a "Street Surgery" - knocking on doors in the ward asking residents if they have any concerns about local services and do they want to speak to their ward councillors about them. 

We had 2 teams out and the reception today was pretty good. I picked up case work around housing applications and complaints about ASB including neighbour nuisance. The majority of residents said they had no complaints about Council services (some people refuse to believe this but it is overwhelming true. It does not mean that we should be complacent in any way) and they are grateful that we have knocked on their doors to speak to them.  

One activist reported that he did get a ear bashing from a Reform supporter but it was cordial. 

I was also able to speak to supporters of the local Community group #LoveLondon15 who maintain mini community gardens on areas which had previously been fly tip hotspots and support the magnificent street art murals in the ward. 

Afterwards, most of us met up for coffee and delicious cakes in Sawmills café. I am still on Keto Low carb diet, so was sort of strong - and just enjoyed the coffee but the cinnamon buns there are simply  magnificent.