I was really pleased to be elected Chair of my branch on Thursday evening at our AGM (As well as Labour Link officer). I have held nearly all the different executive positions in my branch but not Chair.
I also successfully moved a branch rule change to create the position of assistant branch chair. It is really important that we encourage and train up the next generation of union activists to take over from us.
What was very nice was that the branch had emailed all members to do a survey on their experience of trade union representation by local stewards and officers. A member from my employer made a lovely comment about my support for them and their colleagues in a recent restructure at work.
The branch is growing and has over 3000 members who work in around 150 different Housing Associations in Greater London (and beyond).
There are also many new opportunities to growing the union due to the Employment rights bill, and also in the future, from the potential for sectorial bargaining (new version of wage councils). Housing Associations would make a natural fit to follow the Social care pilot.
I will be continuing to press for all housing association workers in London to be part of our branch and not a local government or health branch (and all charity/3rd sector workers to be in the Voluntary Organisations branch). While many of these branches do an excellent job representing members some do not and it is always much better to organise around common or similar employment conditions.
Lots of other problems to overcome but exciting times.